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Tag: empowerment

Diverse Mentors, Balanced Advice

Do you have a mentor? The answer to this question may not be clear to some, but the vast majority of people do have mentors, even if they don’t know […]

The Essentials: Yoga

Yoga can be difficult to get your head around. We have all seen the Instagram backbends and the Victoria Secret Angels who swear by it, but what about the common […]

My Mentor Story: Amy

I used to have an issue with the term “Mentor”. I thought it sounded pretentious and superficial. It sounded like a very no-nonsense, all business type of relationship, which at […]

Lessons from Julia

Elana shares the lessons she learnt from her first mentor, Julia. Lessons we can all live by. You are never too senior to do every level of work – help […]

My Mentor Story: Elana

When I was 18 I walked into my then boss’ office and told her that part of my uni assignment was to find a mentor for my career and my […]


Life can be exhilarating, playful, stressful and sometimes lonely. It can be overwhelming at times, and perfectly peaceful at others. Sometimes life can feel enduringly long, but incredibly short when […]

Looking Good

Let’s be honest, we all just want to look good. Great, Fabulous, Amazing are not always necessary, especially at 6am when you’re trying to make a breakfast meeting. You want […]

Staying Sane

Finding time in your day to do all the things you need and want to do is difficult. Work-Life balance is topical and the desire of most. Sometimes it seems […]

My Mentor

Why do we need a Mentor? Because navigating our careers can be challenging, workplaces can be political minefields, knowing what to do under pressure with great responsibility can be overwhelming […]